Good Property Of Detroit Michigan 2020 Voter City Where All Votes Matter Shirt

Been like this. Trump didn't really make it worse, what he did was make racist people bolder, but in actuality, they had always been racist. Maybe its because I'm black, but I haven't noticed much change, the only thing that changed was what the media covered. So even though I hate Trump, you know, were not gonna blame everything on him now. People are still going to be racist if Trump or Biden gets elected. I can't believe you think that people aren't going to be racist anymore just because the president is now different. Grow up, not everyone is going to like you or always be nice. Don't support this restaurant if they're assholes.Move on with life.I sorry. BUY IT: Good Property Of Detroit Michigan 2020 Voter City Where All Votes Matter Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Proposetees -Custom - Tshirt