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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 11, 2020

Good Property Of Detroit Michigan 2020 Voter City Where All Votes Matter Shirt

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Been like this. Trump didn't really make it worse, what he did was make racist people bolder, but in actuality, they had always been racist. Maybe its because I'm black, but I haven't noticed much change, the only thing that changed was what the media covered. So even though I hate Trump, you know, were not gonna blame everything on him now. People are still going to be racist if Trump or Biden gets elected. I can't believe you think that people aren't going to be racist anymore just because the president is now different. Grow up, not everyone is going to like you or always be nice. Don't support this restaurant if they're assholes.Move on with life.I sorry. BUY IT: Good Property Of Detroit Michigan 2020 Voter City Where All Votes Matter Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season:  Proposetees   -Custom - Tshirt

Premium Promises Made Promises Kept Pro Trump 2020 American Flag Shirt

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The bottom and educate the socially illiterate. I feel for you on this. My adopted grandkids will need to be given “the talk” when they become teenagers because being pulled over while driving black can be a life altering experience. It’s getting old when someone says it’s not a Trump problem, instead blaming it on Republicans. As a former Republican that switched parties after the Tea Party started swaying the GOP, I resent the fact that being a decent human being in the US makes you a target for “owning the libs”. Sheesh. This is not "trumps America" this has always been America. Maybe you just realized it because of the media coverage, but nah, its always. BUY IT: Premium Promises Made Promises Kept Pro Trump 2020 American Flag Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season:  Proposetees   -Custom - Tshirt

Original Joy To The World Biden Has Won Christmas Shirt

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But from what i understand about the US, racism has allways been a huge factor and i fail to see how a this is on Trump? Despite him being an ass i cant see how "Trumps america" is any different from any other version of the US except in the modern day its more visable due to social media etc. Any one care to explain? Thanks for sharing. But why did you go to socially distance but then put yourself in a situation surrounded by people?? That makes me anxious. Also I don’t think this is trumps fault. This is a deep rooted hatred in parts of the world. It doesn’t just disappear every 4 years. It was around when Obama was in office too. We need to bite this from. BUY IT: Original Joy To The World Biden Has Won Christmas Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season:  Proposetees   -Custom - Tshirt

Good Joe Biden The Only Bright Spot In 2020 President Shirt

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Manners. I refuse to live outside an area where there are no black or latinos, I will be damned if my kid is the only latino in school. I would have anyway. I don't tolerate rudeness and she was wrong - she should have been told that she was wrong and I would have taken it a step further, if she doesn't correct the order and her attitude, you will report her for harassment and also leave a bad review for the restaurant. I do this all the time, it's corrected and I guess that's why I'm not liked. I don't care... what's right is right and what's wrong is wrong. I don't tolerate wrongness and I don't care about colour. Just out of curiosity (non american here)a. BUY IT: Good Joe Biden The Only Bright Spot In 2020 President Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season:  Proposetees   -Custom - Tshirt

Awesome Make America Rake Again American Flag Shirt

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Mean the waitress is racist. Maybe next time the OP is rude to someone the poor victim should automatically assume the OP and her husband is a racist.Look I am fully aware that racism is a problem in America. It always has been even long before Trump took office. Another problem in America is people also jumping to conclusions. Maybe the waitress was having a bad day, maybe the OP and her husband came off as rude? There are so many variables. Just because someone is rude does not make them a racist. Fuck all u liberal bastards that pull the race card every time you don’t get your fucking way! Quit being a bunch of fucking pussies and grow the fuck up. Callin. BUY IT: Awesome Make America Rake Again American Flag Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season:  Proposetees   -Custom - Tshirt

Official We Did It Joe Joe Biden Kamala Harris 2020 Election Shirt

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It came time to go meet up with my sister and mom so my BIL and I each took one of my niece’s hands and made our way across the mall. The STARES. I couldn’t believe it. The friggin eyes following us constantly. I had never experienced anything like it! I had thought moving to a diverse city would be enough but clearly not. The OPs story fucking kills me though. They are on a social distance vacation...so traveling places, interacting with people they dont know, going to crowded restaurants...not social distancing. Then the waitress was rude to them and messed up their order...ok that happens quite alot to people of all colors including white people...doesn't. BUY IT: Official We Did It Joe Joe Biden Kamala Harris 2020 Election Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season:  Proposetees   -Custom - Tshirt

Awesome Joe Biden Merica Sunglasses Ribbon American Flag Shirt

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For maybe we could have discussions about matters of importance, or better yet we could do away with the two party system and have more variation in our elected officials. Ultimately I’m sorry that happened to you, I wish it didn’t and I agree you should post a review because that’s the best way to stop it from happening to someone else. My sister is married to a black man. Where we are all originally from is rural and racist, but they moved to Dallas after high school so I just assumed that took care of the racism. Then one day we were all at a mall in Dallas. My sister and mom were doing some shopping for my niece and my BIL, my niece, and I were just chil. BUY IT: Awesome Joe Biden Merica Sunglasses Ribbon American Flag Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season:  Proposetees   -Custom - Tshirt

Happy Thanks Pennsylvania Joe Biden President Of The Us American Flag Shirt

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But I also don’t believe it’s within any presidents power to change systemic racism, that falls on us as individuals. I will get hated on just for saying I’m a trump supporter here, and how does that help anyone? I vote based on what I believe is best for the economy, I have a Masters in Applied economics, I know there are differing arguments regarding how to bolster and economy, but that is my opinion,  I just don’t see how people who vote on their economic beliefs somehow get wrapped up as racists it’s not our fault there’s a two party system and if people stopped believing that everyone on the other side of the isle believ everything their candidate stood. BUY IT: Happy Thanks Pennsylvania Joe Biden President Of The Us American Flag Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season:  Proposetees   -Custom - Tshirt

Pretty Make America Rake Again Vintage Election Shirt

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Sounds kinda soft. How is racism Trumps fault, you lose me there, you don’t seem like a person who believes racism started in the last 4 years, I feel like your title is misleading. Middle class America is full of Trump supporters who are fiscal conservatives and as the two party system gives us no option. We are forced to choose what matters most to us and are given two option, fiscal liberalism and fiscal conservatism, and when either side chooses you get a load of other shit you didn’t want. I don’t know anyone that supports Trump that wouldn’t have stood up for you and your Fiance, but I live in middle class MA, I think geography matters a lot for one an. BUY IT: Pretty Make America Rake Again Vintage Election Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season:  Proposetees   -Custom - Tshirt

Original Pro Life Pro God Pro Gun Patriotic Americans Shirt

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Like Twinkies and ho-hos, Disney land, Universal Studios, girl scout cookies and all that jazz. Surely a country that has all these good things can't be all that bad. I'm brown and I would have called out any rude behavior that I perceived, in the most polite way possible. Like, "Whats the matter? You mad at us or something? You ever heard of manners?." And If I thought it was racism (nothing in your post gives any indication of that, could have been a number of reasons) i would have asked, "what, you dont like brown ppl?" But no way would I spend my money where they dont treat me right. I dont like any bad energy going into my food. No offense, but your man. BUY IT: Original Pro Life Pro God Pro Gun Patriotic Americans Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season:  Proposetees   -Custom - Tshirt

Premium Pro America Anti Trump 2020 Election Shirt

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TA.Hannibal Buress has a great bit about being in line to buy a bunch of gallons of apple juice because he has coupons and getting a dirty look and thinkin man this guy is really jealous about my Apple juice before it occurred he was just racist. Lol reminded me. As a foreigner, you keep hearing about the bad things that happen in America. The media reports it, stuff gets posted on reddit and 9gag and Facebook, and you think, how can a country be so deplorable to its citizens or to one another. There's no middle ground. It's either really bad or really good. America really scares me, but I also think that it's a great country because it has hostess productes. BUY IT: Premium Pro America Anti Trump 2020 Election Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season:  Proposetees   -Custom - Tshirt

Hot We Did It Joe American Flag Election Shirt

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Color that past partners have been with, it is all to common to identify racism to me on my ends while others view it as being rude. That being said, I think it is incredibly important for you and your future spouse to continue to have conversations about how race in your relationship will in fact factor into future interactions and impact any potential children that you add into your family. This is a pathetically first world problem. First off, she was probably just a rude waitress who messed up your order. Second, why do you think any of their potential racism is due to Trump? I can guarantee you they would have been racists before, and even after they’re. BUY IT: Hot We Did It Joe American Flag Election Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season:  Proposetees   -Custom - Tshirt

Top Usa And Dumbfuckistan Democrats 2020 Election Map Shirt

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This is nowhere near as bad as what you and your fiance went through, but i figured maybe another story might restore a little hope. I hope you and your fiance stay safe, and healthy in these hard times, and hopefully we can get that smug asshole out of the Whitehouse, but even then we'll still have a long way to go Ok and how is this Trumps fault? Seems like everyone wants to blame Trump for everything nowadays. He has absolutly nothing to do with a racist establishment and you should have left a negative review. I am sorry for both you and your fiances experience. As the only person of color in my friend group and by extension, onece of the only persons of. BUY IT: Top Usa And Dumbfuckistan Democrats 2020 Election Map Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season:  Proposetees   -Custom - Tshirt

Funny Make America Rake Again Lawn And Order Trump Shirt

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In saying how during the BLM protests "those folks" better not come here. Who was they he asked me, the protesters? The rioters? Simply anyone who just says Black Lives Matter? He said he hated how as a worker obviously you can't talk back to a customer. That he wished he could protest but he has kids at home to take care of. That he wanted to but some protests have become too dangerous risking arrest or even possible death now. That he has to wacth the protests on tv and explain to his children whats happening and what it all means. We parted with a few thank yous and a stay safe, and since then I've never really felt that nervousness around town. Clearlyes. BUY IT: Funny Make America Rake Again Lawn And Order Trump Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season:  Proposetees   -Custom - Tshirt

Official Make America Rake Again Lawn And Order Green Shirt

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The gas station something happened that changed my mind about all of it.  As i was getting snacks and taking them the register the cashier behind the counter suddenly said to me "i appreciate that" i looked up and infront of me was a tall man with long natural dreads gesturing to my face mask and putting his fist up clenched, and without hesitation but still feeling a little nervous i put my fist up too. He told me that he was glad someone did have that opinion, that as a black man working at a corner store gas station, he didn't get why some people thought it was appropriate to go to him with their politics as he's working.  How he had multiple people comed. BUY IT: Official Make America Rake Again Lawn And Order Green Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season:  Proposetees   -Custom - Tshirt

Nice New Years Trump End Of An Error 2021 Shirt

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Over not necessarily shouting but still in a raising their voices just enough so i can hear whatever insult about BLM they have today.  And for the longest time i thought "oh its just cus of now, the political climate, trump, election, thats gotta be the reason some of the people are like this" but no. My girlfriend who grew up here says this is how its always been. I came from a town where mayne every 8th house has a trump sign, here its every other house. So i was becoming a little nervous i was actually a little scared, which is sad honestly, i was becoming scared just cus i was a little darker and cus i had a different opinion. Then one night i went to a. BUY IT: Nice New Years Trump End Of An Error 2021 Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season:  Proposetees   -Custom - Tshirt

Good My Vp Looks Like Me Congratulations Kamala Harris Vintage Shirt

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Really noticed it, but recently in the last four years I've gone to barely wanting to go out to a store, to never wanting to go out.  The stares, the smirks, the side eyes and whispers, i hated it for so long, it probly doesnt help that i have 12 piercings half of which are on my face, and im also mexican german, so i tend to darken up, and then ontop of that i have dreads sooo pick your insults i guess. Following the George Floyd murders and with the pamdemic setting in i went out of my way to get a BLM facemask and have been wearing it around town on the rare ocassion i go out, and whatever were whispers before, were now people in gorcery stores an aisleds. BUY IT: Good My Vp Looks Like Me Congratulations Kamala Harris Vintage Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season:  Proposetees   -Custom - Tshirt

Official Make America Rake Again Us Flag Political Shirt

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With judging eyes. I thought it was the masks we were wearing. When we talked about it later my friend said she heard someone shouting “are we going to have a problem here?” And maybe some chuckles. She then presented the idea that it’s because we are brown. We went back and forth retelling the story and considering what it might have been, that made us both feel the same weight. I had an experience recently nowhere near as bad, but similar on the line of living in a conservative town. First I'm a city boy, but since this is Cali you take what you can get with housing so most my life ive ended up in country butt, conservative ass towns. Most the time i never. BUY IT: Official Make America Rake Again Us Flag Political Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season:  Proposetees   -Custom - Tshirt

Perfect Make America Rake Again Political Election Vintage Shirt

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Not to see color or race as an issue, we are also taught not to see how it impacts others. Just a thought. Canadian here. Every restaurant I've worked at has been very diverse, even this northern ontario place i work at now. The amount of "hire a person that can speak english" fuckers that we tell off, it really puts a smile on my face, we have the unique situation of drawing in these people and telling them just how ignorant they are. Maybe some people actually learn from their ignorance, maybe I'm just being hopeful. This same story happened to me and a friend in Oregon. We are both brown. We walked in and instantly I felt the weight of everyone staring we. BUY IT: Perfect Make America Rake Again Political Election Vintage Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season:  Proposetees   -Custom - Tshirt

Happy Election 2020 Fraud Audit The Vote Star Shirt

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And witnessing confrontations all summer as a result and I can't say I disagree. Maybe this is irrelevant, but your story reads more like a hostile tourist situation to me, however, I wasn't there and don't want to assume. Certainly not victim blaming, but it seems like a lot of folks don't realize how pissed off these small communities get when you guys invade our space, especially with covid running rampant. I also wonder if you experienced the effect of being trained/taught to be ‘color-blind’, in that it took you that long into talking to him to figure out it was about race and not a mask, and why so many are against teaching against it. If we are taught. BUY IT: Happy Election 2020 Fraud Audit The Vote Star Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season:  T-shirttop   -Custom - Tshirt

Pretty Fight Silence And Stigma Madam Vice President Quote Vintage Shirt

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But are you sure she wasn't rude because you guys are tourists? Maybe it was racism, which would be totally fucked. However, it's pretty selfish to be on vacation in someone else's back yard during a pandemic. I live in a small mountain town and this summer half of California, New York and Texas decided to vacation here, because its isolated. Well guess what, that's why we live here in the first place and when the tourists started coming in, our cases skyrocketed. Bozos on vacation placed the entire community at risk and people literally died as a result.  Vacationing outside of your immediate area during a pandemic is extremely selfish and careless. I've be. BUY IT: Pretty Fight Silence And Stigma Madam Vice President Quote Vintage Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season:  T-shirttop   -Custom - Tshirt

Premium Goodbye 2020 Hello 2021 Happy New Years Toilet Paper Shirt

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Like it (which is fucked up). But why was it automatically assumed that this girl was racist? You seemed to be thinking it was due to the mask until your boyfriend said it was because of the color of his skin; so how did he know she was racist? Just a little confused as to how that jump was made. How do you know that you or your partner didn’t come off as rude to her? Perhaps your fear of going into the place showed up as snooty or snobbish? Just because some people are rude and your brown boyfriend coincidentally is brown does not mean racism was involved, regardless of how easy it is to toss up the race card in Honkeyville USA. Not to play devils advocated. BUY IT: Premium Goodbye 2020 Hello 2021 Happy New Years Toilet Paper Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season:  T-shirttop   -Custom - Tshirt

Original Hey 2020 Santa’s Tired Of Your Shit Toilet Paper Xmas Shirt

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White and I'm brown) and we live in a rural part of central Florida by the coast. And while I haven't yet encountered this, I'm sometimes wondering whether it's because I'm married to a white man that I get a pass to be treated nicely when we're out together. It makes me sad to think that I would be treated differently if I wasn't with my white, blond, blue-eyed husband. Couldn't she just have been being mean because of the mask though? I live in a very conservative area and too get rude responses sometimes at stores/restaurants when I'm wearing a mask, some people just don't like what it signifies and will go out of their way to make sure people know they a. BUY IT: Original Hey 2020 Santa’s Tired Of Your Shit Toilet Paper Xmas Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season:  T-shirttop   -Custom - Tshirt

Hot Ho Ho Holy Shit What A Year 2020 Christmas New Year Shirt

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Kids accepted it as the way things are. It broke my heart and I worry about what kind of world any future mixed grandchild of mine would have. Its funny, I am brown and my wife is white and she gets more offended when there is racism against me than I do. I get it, she loves me and is a good human being, but you are absolutely right. We have to pick our battles because the only way to combat racism is by understanding the person’s root cause. However, you know how hard it is to have that kind of patience when you run into scenarios like this throughout your life. It sucks. I'm so sorry this happened to you. I'm also in an interracial relationship (husband is. BUY IT: Hot Ho Ho Holy Shit What A Year 2020 Christmas New Year Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season:  T-shirttop   -Custom - Tshirt

Top I Eat No For Breakfast Vice President Kamala Harris 2020 Shirt

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Have absolutely zero proof of racism.Or she could have been having a bad day. I was in a similar situation in a tiny town where the lot gas station is the sandwich shop and they were rude to me both times I was there. One time without a mask. The next day with one. I think it has to do with me looking more like “city folk” that a local. I know what you mean. My daughters last boyfriend was black and by going places with them I could see how my daughter and I were treated differently if we were deemed to be by ourselves. When it was realized the black man and two kids were with us, attitudes changed. The only ones pissed off were me and my daughter. Even they. BUY IT: Top I Eat No For Breakfast Vice President Kamala Harris 2020 Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season:  T-shirttop   -Custom - Tshirt

Funny It’s Easier To Be A Father From Today On White House Shirt

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This was not simply magically happening because a cheeto puff meme king decided to be a Twitter junkie president. This happens because people from different cultures come together and are forced to mingle about. Stop blaming everything on Trump. Don't blame everything on Biden. And Stop coming to reddit to justify your views over a bandwagoned topic that has been around for 4 years. This is why liberal woke America scares me, a waiter in the middle is nowhere is rude and messes up an order yet and you come to Reddit and race bait and just further caused violence from people reading this and reaffirming their delusions that republicans are racist nazi when yo. BUY IT: Funny It’s Easier To Be A Father From Today On White House Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season:  T-shirttop   -Custom - Tshirt

Nice Joe Biden 46 Us Flag Elected Celebrate Joe Biden 46th President 2020 Shirt

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Occasionally get shown white power signs by folks driving by (of course, not the folks from my neighborhood). This isn’t something that just started when Trump came to office. Things have always been this way. Trump just gives them a voice and now they are even more bold. Black and brown people have always known to pick their battles especially when they’re in a very conservative setting. I think the only difference now is that white people are starting to see our reality. To simply say this is Trump's America is to say that Mars is owned by Martians. It's far out on left field and cheaply made. This is America because people are allowed to have there  views. BUY IT: Nice Joe Biden 46 Us Flag Elected Celebrate Joe Biden 46th President 2020 Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season:  T-shirttop   -Custom - Tshirt

Good Donald You Are Fired 11.07.2020 Trump Democrats And Liberals Usa Shirt

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A weekend hiding inside. While I didn't face any direct confrontation, just being on edge made me so anxious all weekend. I had as much clothing on as I could to hide my skin tone and my textured hair was in a bun all weekend. I am a permanent resident of the US, and so is my family. We have been eligible to seek naturalization for quite some time now. But it's shenanigans like these that keep me from submitting my application. For context: I'm not black, but I'm definitely brown. Or better still, "I'm not White". I live in a fairly affluent neighborhood, with almost non-existent crime rates and a highly-rated school district. And when I go out for a walk, I. BUY IT: Good Donald You Are Fired 11.07.2020 Trump Democrats And Liberals Usa Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season:  T-shirttop   -Custom - Tshirt

Official Joe Biden Kamala Harris 2020 Victory Face Wear Mask Shirt

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Her family is very southern and I felt very unconfortable at times visiting her family in the deep Georgia area. I learned to pick my fights and know where to "die on the hill" I want to fight on. You can't change someone mindset. I recently had a similar encounter. I moved to Portland, OR a few years ago and it's a pretty liberal city. A few weekends ago my fiance and his parents wanted to get out of the bad air quality and we headed to Long Beach, WA. I'm not sure if there was a White Supremacists rally or what, but the nasty looks, the giant confederate flags, huge trucks with Trump 2020, and people shouting from their moving cars meant I spent most of to. BUY IT: Official Joe Biden Kamala Harris 2020 Victory Face Wear Mask Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season:  T-shirttop   -Custom - Tshirt

Nice Great Dane Dog This Is My Great Dane Christmas Shirt

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Violentally assaulted because they're white but it doesn't make the news because of the color of their skin. Or what about the fact that sex is more deterministic of police brutality than race is in that white men Per Capita are way more likely to be killed or brutalized by police than black women Per Capita. I'm in an interracial marriage in the the south(Florida) I'm Asian and my wife is white. There are parts of Florida I kinda refuse to go through or even acknowledge they exist. Giant trump signs everywhere. I told her I didn't want to raise our children in this type of environment. I even told her I refuse to move there if we were to look for anoth home. BUY IT: Nice Great Dane Dog This Is My Great Dane Christmas Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season:  Effecttee   -Custom - Tshirt

Funny In Case Of Fire Git Commit Git Push And Git Out Shirt

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Once, and simply eats something else when we visit, but it's pretty frustrating that when he cooks he goes out of his way purposefully to not accommodate for him... It's frustrating. I can't argue with him anymore. I’m a white woman and my SO is a brown male. He tells me all the time to “use my Karen card” in response to rudeness or mistreatment. But I didn’t realize until now that the source of the rudeness is actually racism towards us as a interracial couple. I tell him why doesn’t he say something and why does it have to be me and now I understand why. How is this Trumps America? This shit happened in Obama's America, etc. How about a with people getting. BUY IT: Funny In Case Of Fire Git Commit Git Push And Git Out Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season:  Effecttee   -Custom - Tshirt

Hot In A World Full Of Kardashians Be A Phoebe Shirt

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Stupid reasons like that waitress did, i would have left the food there whiout paying so she had to pay it from her salary tbh I'd wondered for the longest time why he always made ribs, pork chops, etc whenever we came to visit and it was only recently that I realized he was trying to get my partner to eat pork (he comes from a Muslim family and does not eat pork). The last time we were there he rubbed it in my face that he made pork.... Man I wanted to yell at him so bad but it's just not worth it to try and argue it with him. He will never see that acting so childishly is inappropriate, especially over a dietary choice. My partner has never complained, not. BUY IT: Hot In A World Full Of Kardashians Be A Phoebe Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season:  Effecttee   -Custom - Tshirt

Top During Labour What A Man Feels When He Misses The Holeshot Shirt

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EVERYONE is racist because if i was from "x" group/ethnicity/etc i would not like to be compared to others, i know its hard but generally the small dumb loud groups are the ones that stand out the most so its very easy to see everyone that has similar "x" as part of that group.. Kudos to your husband for taking the high road, i understand he should not have to look away and turn the other cheek but unless youre in danger its better to just ignore that kind of ppl, the trouble is not worth it , hope we can all as humans move past those stupid generalizations and notions and just get along with each other peacefully or at least just dont mess with somebody for. BUY IT: Top During Labour What A Man Feels When He Misses The Holeshot Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season:  Effecttee   -Custom - Tshirt

Original Joe Biden Dominion’s Buy 1 Get 10 Free 4AM Delivery Only Shirt

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Group thats called gypsy which are romanians i believe ) just because of the way i talk ( huge latin accent in my spanish) so its fair to say its a per-person-basis thing and something thats global, same for very spanish-proud ppl, i dread going to any goverment office because 90% of the time i get treated very poorly and even if i complain whoever i complain with also treathes me poorly. Another interesting thing i noticed during my vacations this winter was how an alarming amount of ppl in europe treated chinese ppl (the whole covid situation was just starting) i was very dissapointed In european society in general but im trying to not generalize and sayin. BUY IT: Original Joe Biden Dominion’s Buy 1 Get 10 Free 4AM Delivery Only Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season:  Effecttee   -Custom - Tshirt

Premium Golf Guy Doesn’t Have STD’s Why Would You Ask Shirt

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Something thats been embedded into your country society im latin and i remember some racism cases towards my family from wayyyy back when i was a kid ( im 25 now ) and we visited the US on summer vacations, im not saying ure wrong about trump supporters being racist or even trump being bias towards "white americans" ( i hate when ppl say this btw i feel its a exagerated half truth ) but its not a trump issue , its an US issue or ratherr a global issue For example im living in spain and ive been "assaulted" on the street by both black ( i think most black ppl in spain are from france or nigeria if i recall correctly ) and white ppl ( also theres theres gaudys. BUY IT: Premium Golf Guy Doesn’t Have STD’s Why Would You Ask Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season:  Effecttee   -Custom - Tshirt

Pretty Live From London Livestream Crew Shirt

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Asumptions if im not from the country but as someone lookin at everything from the outside i dont think its trump fault hes not perfect that shit he did with inmigrants kids and a couple other stuff should not be something a president does, i understand the reasoning he had behind it and some of the other stuff hes said/done but his execution of his ideas was very very shocking in a bad manner, having said that afaik hes done more than any president in your country who usually just shows up to look pretty, hes a bit radical yeah but you need your president to be a litle radical IMO Now having said that i understand your frustation but what youre saying is so. BUY IT: Pretty Live From London Livestream Crew Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season:  Effecttee   -Custom - Tshirt

Happy I’m The Psychotic Bearded Beast Everyone Warned You About Shirt

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The culture there is just so much worse than it is further north. We're in northern Ohio now, and the benefits to moving here have been many, both financial and emotional. I promise you that not all conservatives feel that way. I'm conservative and my sister married a black guy, and I'm all for it cause hes a good provider. I say fuck the lady who took your order. Take some solace in knowing that she will probably work that dead end job for the rest of her live, and never leave that hell hole she crawls around in. You and your guy are Americans, and that's all that matters. I mean im not from the US so even if i read the news and whatnot id rather not make a. BUY IT: Happy I’m The Psychotic Bearded Beast Everyone Warned You About Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season:  Effecttee   -Custom - Tshirt

Awesome Hair Styling In My Veins Jesus In My Heart Shirt

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What a ridiculous, shitty post. Making all these assumptions with no basis whatsoever, then claiming it’s because of Trump. Little asshole OP, let’s say you’re correct in your ignorant assumptions— do you really think it would have been a different exchange if Trump wasn’t president? What an idiot you are. Just wondering what her rudeness has to do with trump, was he there telling her how to act? Why is our president always getting blamed for anything that happens to people that is negative. He doesn’t control people. I'm thinking you need a gofundme to cover moving expenses away from where ever you are. We lived in the bible belt for most of our lives, ands. BUY IT: Awesome Hair Styling In My Veins Jesus In My Heart Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season:  Effecttee   -Custom - Tshirt

Perfect In Pie Isn’t The Only Thing Baked Shirt

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Been racism, it could have also been a combination of a lot of things. I work in the restaurant industry and most places are packed right now and mask mandates are impossible to hold up in a place where you eat food. Now I know it is was wrong that the girl was rude but the food order being wrong has a really small chance of being impacted by your boyfriends race because is it really was overcrowded the kitchen was probably too slammed to even know that fact. I just think that maybe you should consider all angles because while racism is not something to be tolerated, mistakes do happen and jumping to conclusions is the exact problem in this country right now. BUY IT: Perfect In Pie Isn’t The Only Thing Baked Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season:  Effecttee   -Custom - Tshirt

Perfect In Pie Isn’t The Only Thing Baked Shirt

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Is that I'm white.. I know POC still often receive much worse treatment. I don't get why so many people think it's OK to treat others so poorly. At the same time like I mentioned, I also understand how many folks don't realize the extent of bad things are until they experience it themselves. I know that's no excuse but... yeah. then about a half hour in, i asked him if he was alright with me taking off my mask so i could be more comfortable and he immediately made a sigh of relief and said something like “oh no of course not! you’re gettin’ that vibe that i don’t care, right? go right ahead hon” and his attitude did a complete 180. he was all of a sudden ver. BUY IT: Perfect In Pie Isn’t The Only Thing Baked Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season:  Effecttee   -Custom - Tshirt

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Honeymoon (oops). I had doubts before the wedding also; but thanks to a great acid trip I decided maybe I could do it and went through with the wedding. After about 3 months I left. I still feel horrible for ending things how I did, I do have a lot of regrets and what ifs. But I think it was for the best. Not me but my mother. The morning of their wedding my mother could hear my father upstairs singing “I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For” by U2 on his guitar. She confronted him about it but he just brushed it off and they were married later that day. Long story short he ended up cheating on her while she was pregnant with me and that was that. He was. BUY IT: Top Snow Saw It Like It Told Grandpa Got It Christmas Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season:  Mascaratee   -Custom - Tshirt

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About 2 months later he moved out of the house that they had built. My mom said she felt that way about my dad but did not go for the divorce. She was a single mom. She was working in small town Tennessee and my Dad was there on business. She said he was super charming... until the day after the wedding. His first move was to take them sailing (classic him, put her in a vulnerable position where she is totally dependent) where he immediately began screaming at her at the top of his lungs. The boat capsized and they had to wait for hours to be rescued. His family of fake jews, pedos, tax frauds etc also always treated us like crap. I realized pretty much on I. BUY IT: Nice Y’All Sorry About Mitch Mcconnell Love Kentucky Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season:  Mascaratee   -Custom - Tshirt

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Living 2 hours away and going to college. For some reason, she shows up in town and stays with me (uninvited and unwelcome) for the better part of a week, despite her husband, mother and sister begging her to come home to her toddler. She ends up cheating on her husband that week. A friend of mine found out before the wedding but still went through with it, they had been each others first relationship, been together years, then 6 weeks before the wedding he said to her that he basically didn't love her anymore, but because it was only 6 weeks before the wedding and everything had been paid for, they went through with it, went on their honeymoon, came back an. BUY IT: Funny Native Lives Matter You Can’T Spell Usa Without Us Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season:  Mascaratee   -Custom - Tshirt

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Love with someone else and hadn’t been happy in the relationship “for a while.” Now he wants to go straight into a relationship with her after being together for 6 years. Not me, but an old friend.... They had a kid while she was a senior in high school. He was several years older and finishing up college. At the bachelorette party she told us she didn’t want to marry him. We tried to convince her to call off the wedding, but she wouldn’t. A month later, there we were, waiting for the rain to stop, so the ceremony could begin. I later learned that while we were waiting, his uncle offered him cash to just walk away. He wouldn’t go. Fast forward 8 months. I an. BUY IT: Good Adidas Scuba Diving Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season:  Mascaratee   -Custom - Tshirt

Good 2021 We Need https://mascaratee.com/product/premium-yes-im-old-but-i-saw-eddie-van-halen-on-stage-shirt/With a uhaul trailer and took all her stuff “to stay with her mom for a few weeks”. That was the last time I ever saw her or heard her voice. She refused to talk anymore. I got divorced via text message. Then she had the audacity to go on a lavish vacation overseas (on her moms dime) and post things like “no post-divorce blues here!”. Bitch, you did this, you did all of it, to yourself. He’s British, I’m American. We got married in December so he could get a green card and stay in the US (earlier than we would have gotten married otherwise, but it was still “for love” or so I thought). The week after the green card interview in August, he told me he was into.BUY IT:https://mascaratee.com/product/premium-yes-im-old-but-i-saw-eddie-van-halen-on-stage-shirt/To Talk What The Elf Happened To 2020 Shirt

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Didn’t want to anymore... at the first sign of anything difficult. So basically right after the wedding she rapidly convinced herself that I wasn’t actually on her team but was actually her enemy. She was so paranoid and afraid that she’d end up in an unhappy marriage that she willed it into existence completely in her own head. So 7 months in (2 months after the last thing, and only a few weeks after our honeymoon), one day we had another small routine disagreement that snowballed into her full on screaming and slamming things and breaking stuff, until she threw all her clothes in a pile and left to stay with her friend “for a few days”.  Then she came back. BUY IT: Good 2021 We Need To Talk What The Elf Happened To 2020 Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season:  Handstee   -Custom - Tshirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season:  Mascaratee   -Custom - Tshirt